The Fullness Of Jesus Christ In David's Library
Welcome to my blog-The Fullness Of Jesus Christ In David's Library! I am brother David Ou from Taiwan. And I am a book-lover and influenced greatly by many precious books of the past pious generations in the church history. May this blog serve as a promoter to encourage every children of God to discover and enjoy the fullness of Jesus Christ by reading the Christian classics! And my another Chinese blog-大衛的圖書館 ( is designed for Chinese Christian. Blessings!
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
3. Devotional: The Strength of Israel Will Not Lie
OUR GOD KEEPETH TRUTH FOR EVER. And He changeth not. Then He ought to be believed. It is impossible for God to lie, then He ought to be trusted. His promises are the proofs of His love; they are as changeless as His nature: in time, they shall be made good. He is the Omnipotent One who can fulfill His word; He is the Unchangeable One, who certainly will. His strength is pledged to His people, to sustain them; His resources, to supply them; and His faithfulness, to comfort them. He speaks to us in His word; He speaks to us as sinners; He speaks to us as fearful, as tried, as suffering people, just as we are tonight. Do we believe His word? Do we regard Him as a truth-speaking God? Has He our confidence? Are we looking at His promises, and while we look, do we say, "This is the faithful word of the heavenly Father, and is certainly true.” God’s word must be fulfilled, for it is more enduring than heaven or earth, for Jesus has said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away!” Fix your eyes on His word, and while you do, say,
On His promise I rely;
He has said it, I believe it;
What can mortal man deny?
God inerrant cannot err,
He is truth, His word is sure.
2. Devotional: Only Believe
OUR GOD IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE. He is worthy of our complete confidence and trust. In faith, let us take God at His word. Give Him credit for meaning what He says, for being faithful to His own word; then all your fears will fly away. God speaks to you in language which you can understand; He promises all you can possibly need; He bids you put Him in remembrance, and plead with Him; He pledges His word for the comfort of your heart. If you believe not, you make God a liar; you bring darkness on your own soul; you give Satan an occasion against you; and a thousand fears, doubts, and suspicions distress you. Is it any wonder? Can you offer a greater insult to God than deliberately to disbelieve His word? But you ask, Are the promises made to me? Yes! to every one that believeth, and to you if you believe. And the Spirit is promised to work faith in your heart; complain not then of the difficulty of believing, or of the power of unbelief; but go to thy God, and plead with Him, crying, "Lord, increase my faith," and go to His word, as to the word of a gracious Father, and simply believe it.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
1. Devotional: Perplexity
Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which He hath made crooked? (Eccles 7:13)
Often God seems to place His children in positions of profound difficulty, leading them into a wedge from which there is no escape, contriving a situation which no human judgment would have permitted, had it been consulted previously. The Lord Himself conducts them there. You may be thus involved this very hour.
It does seem perplexing and very serious to the last degree, but it is perfectly right. The issue will more than justify Him who has brought you into the situation. It is a platform for the display of His mighty power and grace.
He will not only deliver you, but in doing so He will give you a lesson that you will never forget, and which you will remember later with thanksgiving and praise. You will never be able to thank God enough for having done just as He has.
Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. Psa. 50:15.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
28. Devotional: Take Heed and Be Quiet
But they were threatened with an invasion, and appeared to be in imminent danger. Can it be wise, or prudent, to be still ? Whatever God commands is right. We ought to obey God. We are not in the power of any creature. The danger is rather apparent than real. Let us take heed to our tongues, that we do not speak unadvisedly, and so dishonour God. Let us take heed to our tempers, that we do not give way to passion, and so distress ourselves. Let us take heed to our way, that we do not go out of the right path, and so give our enemies an advantage over us. God says, “Be quiet.” Let not fears agitate thee. Let not appearances appal thee. Let not doubts discourage thee. Be calm as the child in its parent's arms. Thy God rules. His hand is in every event, though you may not see it. Thy God is with thee, be was never nearer to thee than just now. Thy God is for thee, pledged by promise and by oath. He will guard thee with his invisible presence. He will keep thee by his power. He will interpose on thy behalf when it is necessary.
In trial's fearful hour,—
Bow, all resign'd, beneath the rod,
And bless his sparing power;
A joy springs up amid distress,
A fountain in the wilderness.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
27. Devotional: Ye Do Dishonour Me
OUR LORD ONLY IS WORTHY OF ALL HONOUR. Not to honour Him is a great offence. This is a complaint brought against us by our Lord Jesus Christ: “Ye do dishonour me.” Let us take heed. He has assured us of His love, that He seeks our good, that He will not be wroth with us; we dishonour Him therefore by our fretfulness under trials; by our murmuring when all is not as we wish; by our impatience to be delivered from pain; by our unbelief awaiting the fulfilment of His promises; by our unthankfulness for the many mercies we receive; by employing His favours in Satan's service; by limiting His power or His goodness; by neglecting our duties from want of love or zeal; by boasting of our merits instead of relying on His free grace; and by looking to others, instead of looking only and always to the Lord. Dishonouring Jesus is a great sin; it produces deadness, pain, and misery; let us realize its seriousness, lament it before God, seek repentance for it and forgiveness of it. O let us aim to honour Jesus by gratitude, patience, faith, love, forbearance, penitence, zeal, and by constantly striving for His glory! Let us honour Him in life, in death, and for ever!
And make it only know Thy call;
Speak to my inmost soul, and say,
"I am thy Saviour, God, thine all!"
Nor let me more dishonour Thee,
But Thy devoted servant be.
26. Devotional: Our God Reigns
A few years ago I was in England, preaching in some churches in the London area. I spoke one night in a crowded Methodist chapel, where many were singing the chorus, Our God Reigns. I was amused to see in the song sheet from which the congregation was singing that the typist had made an error in the title of the hymn, and it read, Our God Resigns! Many Christians act as if God has resigned. But he has not. Our God reigns! This is what we must declare. We must show it on our faces, and let it be heard in our voices. God will come and the terrible times will end. We (and Israel) will one day hear the welcome summons: Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the articles of the Lord's house. (Isaiah 52:11)
That is what is required of Christians today. We are not to go along with all the mistaken ways of the world, chasing illusions, and seeking things that will not satisfy. Rather, we should cleanse ourselves, for the promise is, But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 52:12)
We are so often like the Israelites at the Red Sea: the water before us, Pharaoh's army hard on our heels. We do not know where to turn or what to do. But then the word of the Lord comes, Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. (Exodus 14:13). That is the way out. Trust in your Lord. He will open a way through the sea.
Thank you, Father, that I have nowhere to turn but to you, and you are faithful. I trust that you will go before me and be my rear guard.
Life Application
Does our life message confidently proclaim that "our God reigns", despite the difficulties we may be facing?
Monday, February 24, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
24. Modern Worship Song: Holy Forever
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
And all who‵ve gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all
And the angels cry, Holy
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever
And if you‵ve been redeemed
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
If you walk in freedom
And if you bear His name
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
We‵ll sing the song forever and amen
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever
Hear Your people sing, Holy
To the King of Kings, Holy
You will always be, Holy
Holy forever
23. Devotional: Pruning the Branches
The late Francis Schaeffer observed that the average Christian’s objective in life appeared to be personal peace and affluence. Whether we agree with his assessment, we must at least admit that subconsciously, if not overtly, we prefer the pleasant over the painful, the comfortable over the distressful.
Despite this decidedly normal human disposition, you will stumble badly through the Christian journey if you adopt these longings as your chief aims. Christ’s goal for your life transcends this limited perspective. He has something far more sublime in mind for you—to make you productive in the work of His kingdom. This involves a process Christ termed pruning, a continual trimming of character and habits that are unproductive for your personal growth as a believer, conforming you to the image of God and the standard of His Word.
Unfortunately, this can be painful at times, even severe when the pruning lops off sensitive areas. But whatever God sees as detrimental to your fruitfulness and well-being, He will seek to sever. The tools of Providence may be sharp, but they are held by loving hands.
Perhaps you can identify an area that God’s Spirit has surfaced as deleterious to your spiritual health. Cooperate with the Husbandman. Though it may be trying for a time, God’s goal is to grow you into the image of Christ. In this kind of pain, there is godly gain.
Dear Lord, conform me to the image of Your Son and the standard of Your Word. Prune out everything that is detrimental to my fruitfulness and well-being.