(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

11. Hymn: He Maketh No Mistakes!

He Maketh No Mistakes!  

Author: A. M. Overton

1. My Father’s way may twist and turn,
    My heart may throb and ache.
    But in my soul I’m glad I know,
    He maketh no mistake.

2. My cherished plans may go astray,
    My hopes may fade away,
    But still I’ll trust my Lord to lead,
    For He doth know the way.

3. Tho’night be dark and it may seem
    That day will never break;
    I’ll pin my faith, my all in Him,
    He maketh no mistake.

4. There’s so much now I cannot see,
    My eyesight’s far too dim;
    But come what may,
    I’ll simply trust and leave it all to Him.

5. For by and by the mist will lift
    And plain it all He’ll make.
    Through all the way, tho’dark to me,
    He made not one mistake.

10. Hymn: A Solitary Way

A Solitary Way

“There is a mystery in human hearts;
And though we may be encircled by a host
Of those who love us well and are beloved,
To every one of us from time to time
There comes a sense of utter loneliness.
Our dearest friend is ‘stranger’ to our joy,
And cannot realize our bitterness.
‘There is not one, who really understands,–
Not one to enter into all we feel;’
Such is the cry of each of us in turn.
We wander in a ‘solitary way,’
No matter what or where our lot may be;
Each heart, mysterious even to itself,
Must live its inner life in solitude.

And would you know the reason why this is?
It is because the Lord desires our love.
In every heart he wishes to be first;
He therefore keeps the secret key himself,
To open all its chambers, and to bless
With perfect sympathy and holy peace
Each solitary soul that comes to him.
So, when we feel this loneliness, it is
The voice of Jesus, saying, ‘Come to me;’
And every time we are ‘not understood,’
It is a call for us to come again,
For Christ alone can satisfy the soul;
And those who walk with him from day to day
Can never have a ‘solitary way.’

And when beneath some heavy cross you faint
And say, ‘I cannot bear this load alone,’
You say the truth. Christ made it purposely
So heavy that you must return to him.
The bitter grief which ‘no one understands,’
Conveys a secret message from the King,
Entreating you to come to him again.
The Man of Sorrows understands it well;
In all points tempted, he can feel with you.
You cannot come too often or too near.
The Son of God is infinite in grace;
His presence satisfies the longing soul;
And those who walk with him from day to day
Can never have a ‘solitary way.’”
                                                     - Selected

Saturday, September 12, 2015

9. Hymn: Not So In Haste, My Heart

Not So In Haste, My Heart

Author: Bradford Torrey

1. Not so in haste my heart!
    Have faith in God, and wait;
    Although He linger long,
    He never comes too late.

2. He never cometh late;
    He knoweth what is best;
    Vex not thyself in vain;
    Until He cometh, rest.

3. Until He cometh, rest,
    Nor grudge the hours that roll;
    The feet that wait for God
    Are soonest at the goal.

4. Are soonest at the goal
    That is not gained with speed;
    Then hold thee still, my heart,
    For I shall wait His lead.

Friday, September 11, 2015

8. Devotional: Sufferers Make Strong Believers

Sufferers Make Strong Believers

by C. H. Spurgeon

It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. (Lamentations 3:27)  

    This is as good as a promise. It has been good, it is good, and it will be good for me to bear the yoke. Early in life I had to feel the weight of conviction, and ever since it has proved a soul-enriching burden. Should I have loved the gospel so well had I not learned by deep experience the need of salvation by grace? Jabez was more honorable than his brethren because his mother bare him with sorrow, and those who suffer much in being born unto God make strong believers in sovereign grace.  
    The yoke of censure is an irksome one, but it prepares a man for future honor. He is not fit to be a leader who has not run the gauntlet of contempt. Praise intoxicates if it be not preceded by abuse. Men who rise to eminence without struggle usually fall into dishonor. 
    The yoke of affliction, disappointment, and excessive labor is by no means to be sought for; but when the Lord lays it on us in our youth, it frequently develops a character which glorifies God and blesses the church. Come, my soul, bow thy neck; take up they cross. It was good for thee when young; it will not harm thee now. For Jesus' sake, shoulder it carefully.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

7. Devotional: We Should Never Lose Heart

We Should Never Lose Heart

by J. R. Miller

On the twenty-first day of the seventh month, the Word of the Lord came through Haggai the prophet. (Haggai 2:1)  

    The Lord always seeks to be an encourager. These returned captives were very much discouraged. They had begun with great enthusiasm to build the temple—but difficulties had risen. Then the Lord sent his servant to hearten the governor and the people, to cheer them, that they might go on through all the obstacles which faced them. That is the way the Lord is always doing with his children. He does not want us ever to yield to discouragement. Of course, life is hard at many a point. There are ofttimes difficult tasks to perform, and sore struggles to endure. Things often seem to fail in our hands. Our plans miscarry, our hopes disappoint us. We meet opposition and enmity, and it seems to us we can never get through with the things we are set to do!  
    But when we open the Bible, we find encouragement on every page. We are there taught never to yield to despair. There can be no failure in duty—if only we are faithful. We never can be defeated in temptation, if only we stand true to Christ. We never can sink under our burden, if only we cast it upon Christ. The things that seem to be failures, become successes, when God's hand is in them. So God ever comes to encourage us in our difficulties. "Fear not; I am with you!" is the formula of divine cheer in every hour of trial. Therefore we should never lose heart.

6. Devotional: Broken And Smoking

Broken And Smoking  

by C. H. Spurgeon 

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. (Isaiah 42:3)  

    Then I may reckon upon tender treatment from my Lord. Indeed, I feel myself to be at best as weak, as pliant, as worthless as a reed. Someone said, "I don't care a rush for you"; and the speech, though unkind, was not untrue. Alas! I am worse than a reed when it grows by the river, for that at least can hold up its head. I am bruised - sorely, sadly bruised. There is no music in me now; there is a rift which lets out all the melody. Ah, me! Yet Jesus will not break me; and if He will not, then I mind little what others try to do. O sweet and compassionate Lord, I nestle down beneath Thy protection and forget my bruises! 
    Truly I am also fit to be likened to "the smoking flax," whose light is gone, and only its smoke remains. I fear I am rather a nuisance than a benefit. My fears tell me that the devil has blown out my light and left me an obnoxious smoke, and that my Lord will soon put an extinguisher upon one. Yet I perceive that though there were snuffers under the law, there were no extinguishers, and Jesus will not quench me; therefore, I am hopeful. Lord, kindle me anew and cause me to shine forth to Thy glory and to the extolling of Thy tenderness. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

5. Devotional: What Is God After?

What Is God After?

by T. Austin-Sparks

    What is God after? Why are you set on this scene as you are? Why is it that God does not give us such pleasant situations and circumstances as we crave for, and make it easy for us? Why does it seem rather that He makes it hard, puts us into hard places, and does not deliver us or prevent us from those very trying conditions? Why is the furnace heated seven times for saints, men who are walking with God? Well, what is He doing with us? Is not this the necessary background to formation according to Christ? Where will the characteristics of the heavenly Man have an opportunity, if not in adversity? Love has no meaning unless there is a background of hate. It is supine, it is weak, it is not real. When you read, “having loved His own that were in the world, He loved them unto the end” (John 13:1), you say, ‘that is a miracle’. When you read the prophecies of Hosea, and see God uncovering His heart about Israel, the unfaithful Israel, the unfaithful wife, the harlot wife, and then crying as with a broken heart, “How shall I give thee up?” (Hosea 11:8), you have to say, ‘that is love’.  
    You only see it in the light of the background. And this heavenly manhood can only be developed over against a background which is so opposite. That is why He puts you among men who are so earthly, sensual – ‘old-Adamic’. That is why He calls upon Christians to live together up against one another’s old man. If only we could get with all those nice Christians, it would be easy! But you would not develop any heavenly character if the Lord took that line.  
    God is practical. We do know that in no other way could God get us changed. He gives us a first-class opportunity just where we are of developing characteristics which are not of the old man at all – they are of the new man; that is the explanation.

4. Devotional: Solitary Source

Solitary Source 

Selected by Miles J. Stanford 

That l may know Him. (Philippians 3:10)

    It takes us years of trial and error to finally realize that nothing outside the Lord Jesus Christ can fully satisfy and rejoice our hearts. Joy in Him includes ‘the fellowship of His sufferings.’ So, ‘rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings’ (1 Pet. 4:13).  
    "We sometimes have the idea that if we were going on rightly, things would be much smoother here for us. Hardly. There is a discipline to correct us and a discipline to develop us. If you are in a wrong path, as you seek the Lord, you will be corrected; but on the other hand, the more you are set for Him here, the more you will find that there is nothing for you here, though at the same time you are daily finding more in Him. ‘We which live are always delivered unto death.’ The more you enjoy the Lord Jesus who has been refused here, the more you are practically severed from all here." - J. B. S.   
    "It is a solemn moment when one who has been going on for years with a flourishing profession wakes up to the fact that his heart is entirely unsatisfied. I believe we have very little idea how natural feelings may be mixed up with what we think is our spiritual joy. Many go on happily because their surroundings are happy, and they have no opposition to speak of—perhaps in a Christian family, or in a happy Christian fellowship. They are carried along by the stream of compatible things around them.  
    "But anything that outwardly contributes to our joy will sooner or later fail us. Our Father loves us too well to allow us to rest in anything or anyone short of Himself—not even Christian fellowship, or what people call ‘the means of grace.’ He wants to be so known by us that He becomes the deep eternal spring of satisfaction and joy for our hearts." - C. A. C.
    Give your mind to the things above. (Colossians 3:2)

Friday, September 4, 2015

3. Gleaning: Do Not Look Forward...

    Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life in fear. Rather look at them with full hope that, as they arise, God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. He has kept you hitherto; do you but hold fast to His dear hand, and He will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand, He will bear you in His arms. Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. - Frances de Sales
    The many troubles in your household will tend to your edification, if you strive to bear them all in gentleness, patience, and kindness. Keep this ever before you, and remember constantly that God’s loving eyes are upon you amid all these little worries and vexations, watching whether you take them as He would desire. Offer up all such occasions to Him, and if sometimes you are put out, and give way to impatience, do not be discouraged, but make haste to regain your lost composure. - Frances de Sales

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2. Hymn: Fret Not, Poor Soul

Fret Not, Poor Soul

Author: Adelaide A. Procter

Fret not, poor soul: while doubt and fear  
Disturb thy breast,  
The pitying angels, who can see  
How vain thy wild regret must be,  
Say, Trust and Rest.   

Plan not, nor scheme,—but calmly wait;  
His choice is best.  
While blind and erring is thy sight,  
His wisdom sees and judges right,  
So Trust and Rest.   

Strive not, nor struggle: thy poor might  
Can never wrest  
The meanest thing to serve thy will;  
All power is His alone: Be still,  
And Trust and Rest.   

Desire not: self-love is strong  
Within thy breast;  
And yet He loves thee better still,  
So let Him do His loving will,  
And Trust and Rest.   

What dost thou fear? His wisdom reigns  
Supreme confessed;  
His power is infinite; His love  
Thy deepest, fondest dreams above;  
So Trust and Rest.

1. Hymn: God Meant It Unto Good

God Meant It Unto Good (Gen. 50:20)  

Author: Freda Hanbury Allen  

“God meant it unto good”–O blest assurance, 
Falling like sunshine all across life’s way, 
Touching with Heaven’s gold earth’s darkest storm clouds, 
Bringing fresh peace and comfort day by day.  

‘Twas not by chance the hands of faithless brethren 
Sold Joseph captive to a foreign land; 
Nor was it chance which, after years of suffering, 
Brought him before the monarch’s throne to stand.  

One Eye all-seeing saw the need of thousands, 
And planned to meet it through that one lone soul; 
And through the weary days of prison bondage 
Was working towards the great and glorious goal.  

As yet the end was hidden from the captive, 
The iron entered even to his soul; 
His eye could scan the present path of sorrow, 
Not yet his gaze might rest upon the whole.  

Faith failed not through those long, dark days of waiting, 
His trust in God was recompensed at last, 
The moment came when God led forth his servant 
To succour many, all his sufferings past.  

“It was not you but God, that sent me hither,” 
Witnessed triumphant faith in after days; 
“God meant it unto good,” no “second causes” 
Mingled their discord with his song of praise.  

“God means it unto good” for thee, beloved, 
The God of Joseph is the same today; 
His love permits afflictions strange and bitter, 
His hand is guiding through the unknown way.  

Thy Lord, who sees the end from the beginning, 
Hath purposes for thee of love untold. 
Then place thy hand in His and follow fearless, 
Till thou the riches of His grace behold.  

There, when thou standest in the Home of Glory, 
And all life’s path ties open to thy gaze, 
Thine eyes shall see the hand which now thou trustest, 
And magnify His love through endless days.