(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

30. Hymn: Where'er I Go, Whate'er My Task

Where'er I Go, Whate'er My Task

Author: Paul Flemming

Where'er I go, whate'er my task, 
The counsel of my God I ask, 
Who all things hath and can; 
Unless He give both thought and deed 
The utmost pains can ne'er succeed, 
And vain the wisest plan.     

For what can all my toil avail? 
My care, my watching all must fail, 
Unless my God is there; 
Then let Him order all for me 
As He in wisdom shall decree; 
On Him I cast my care.     

For nought can come, as nought hath been, 
But what my Father hath foreseen, 
And what shall work my good; 
Whate'er He gives me I will take, 
Whate'er He chooses I will make 
My choice with thankful mood.     

I lean upon His mighty arm, 
It shields me well from every harm, 
All evil shall avert; 
If by His precepts still I live 
Whate'er is useful He will give, 
And nought shall do me hurt.     

But only may He of His grace 
The record of my guilt efface, 
And wipe out all my debt; 
Though I have sinn'd He will not straight 
Pronounce His judgment, He will wait, 
Have patience with me yet.     

I travel to a distant land 
To serve the post wherein I stand, 
Which He hath bade me fill; 
And He will bless me with His light, 
That I may serve His world aright, 
And make me know His will.     

And though through desert wilds I fare, 
Yet Christian friends are with me there, 
And Christ Himself is near; 
In all our dangers He will come, 
And He who kept me safe at home, 
Can keep me safely here.     

Yes, He will speed us on our way,
And point us where to go and stay,
And help us still and lead;
Let us in health and safety live,
And time and wind and weather give,
And whatsoe'er we need.     

When late at night my rest I take,
When early in the morn I wake,
Halting or on my way,
In hours of weakness or in bonds,
When vex'd with fears my heart desponds,
His promise is my stay.     

Since then my course is traced by Him
I will not fear that future dim,
But go to meet my doom,
Well knowing nought can wait me there
Too hard for me through Him to bear;
I yet shall overcome.     

To Him myself I wholly give,
At His command I die or live,
I trust His love and power:
Whether to-morrow or to-day
His summons come, I will obey,
He knows the proper hour.

But if it please that love most kind,
And if this voice within my mind
Be whispering not in vain,
I yet shall praise my God ere long
In many a sweet and joyful song,
In peace at home again.     

To those I love will He be near,
With His consoling light appear,
Who is my shield and theirs;
And He will grant beyond our thought
What they and I alike have sought
With many tearful prayers.     

Then, O my soul, be ne'er afraid,
On Him who thee and all things made
With calm reliance rest;
Whate'er may come, where'er we go,
Our Father in the heavens must know
In all things what is best.

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