(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Monday, August 24, 2015

8. Hymn: Oh! Foolish Heart, Be Still

Oh! Foolish Heart, Be Still

Author: C. F. Gellert

1. Oh! foolish heart, be still, 
    And vex thyself no more, 
    Wait thou for God until 
    He opens pleasure's door. 
    Thou know'st not what is good for thee, 
    But God doth know,— 
    Let Him thy strong reliance be, 
    And rest thee so.   

2. He counted all my days, 
    And ev'ry joy and tear, 
    Ere I knew how to praise, 
    Or e'en had learn'd to fear. 
    Before I Him, my Father, knew, 
    He call'd me, child: 
    His help has guarded me all through 
    This weary wild.   

3. The least of all my cares 
    Is not to Him unknown; 
    He sees, and He prepares 
    The pathway for His own: 
    And what His hand assigns to me, 
    That serves my peace,— 
    The greatest burden it might be, 
    Yet joy's increase.   

4. I live no more on earth, 
    Nor seek my full joy here; 
    The world seems little worth, 
    When heaven is shining clear; 
    Yet joyfully I go my way, 
    So free, so blest! 
    Sweetening my toil from day to day 
    With thoughts of rest.

5. Give me, my Lord, whate’er 
    Will bind my heart to Thee; 
    For that I make my prayer. 
    And know Thou hearest me! 
    But all that might keep back my soul, 
    Make Thee forgot— 
    Tho' of earth-good it were the whole, 
    Oh! give it not.   

6. When sickness-pains, distress, 
    And want doth follow fear, 
    And men their hate express, 
    My sky shall still be clear. 
    Then wait I, Lord, and wait for Thee; 
    And I am still— 
    Tho' mine should unaccomplis’d be, 
    Do Thou Thy will!   

7. Thou art the strength and stay 
    Of ev’ry weary soul; 
    Thy wisdom rules the way; 
    Thy pity does control. 
    What ill can happen unto me 
    When thou art near? 
    Thou wilt, oh! God, my keeper be, 
    I will not fear.

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