(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

28. Devotional: Take Heed and Be Quiet

Devotional: Take Heed and Be Quiet
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Take heed and be quiet. (Isa. 7:4)

    But they were threatened with an invasion, and appeared to be in imminent danger. Can it be wise, or prudent, to be still ? Whatever God commands is right. We ought to obey God. We are not in the power of any creature. The danger is rather apparent than real. Let us take heed to our tongues, that we do not speak unadvisedly, and so dishonour God. Let us take heed to our tempers, that we do not give way to passion, and so distress ourselves. Let us take heed to our way, that we do not go out of the right path, and so give our enemies an advantage over us. God says, “Be quiet.” Let not fears agitate thee. Let not appearances appal thee. Let not doubts discourage thee. Be calm as the child in its parent's arms. Thy God rules. His hand is in every event, though you may not see it. Thy God is with thee, be was never nearer to thee than just now. Thy God is for thee, pledged by promise and by oath. He will guard thee with his invisible presence. He will keep thee by his power. He will interpose on thy behalf when it is necessary.

When I can trust my all with God, 
In trial's fearful hour,—
Bow, all resign'd, beneath the rod, 
And bless his sparing power;
A joy springs up amid distress,
A fountain in the wilderness.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

27. Devotional: Ye Do Dishonour Me

Devotional: Ye Do Dishonour Me
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Ye do dishonour me. (John 8:49)

    OUR LORD ONLY IS WORTHY OF ALL HONOUR. Not to honour Him is a great offence. This is a complaint brought against us by our Lord Jesus Christ: “Ye do dishonour me.” Let us take heed. He has assured us of His love, that He seeks our good, that He will not be wroth with us; we dishonour Him therefore by our fretfulness under trials; by our murmuring when all is not as we wish; by our impatience to be delivered from pain; by our unbelief awaiting the fulfilment of His promises; by our unthankfulness for the many mercies we receive; by employing His favours in Satan's service; by limiting His power or His goodness; by neglecting our duties from want of love or zeal; by boasting of our merits instead of relying on His free grace; and by looking to others, instead of looking only and always to the Lord. Dishonouring Jesus is a great sin; it produces deadness, pain, and misery; let us realize its seriousness, lament it before God, seek repentance for it and forgiveness of it. O let us aim to honour Jesus by gratitude, patience, faith, love, forbearance, penitence, zeal, and by constantly striving for His glory! Let us honour Him in life, in death, and for ever!

Lord, draw my heart from earth away,
And make it only know Thy call;
Speak to my inmost soul, and say,
"I am thy Saviour, God, thine all!"
Nor let me more dishonour Thee,
But Thy devoted servant be.

26. Devotional: Our God Reigns

Devotional: Our God Reigns
Author: Ray C. Stedman (1917-1992)

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns! (Isaiah 52:7)

    A few years ago I was in England, preaching in some churches in the London area. I spoke one night in a crowded Methodist chapel, where many were singing the chorus, Our God Reigns. I was amused to see in the song sheet from which the congregation was singing that the typist had made an error in the title of the hymn, and it read, Our God Resigns! Many Christians act as if God has resigned. But he has not. Our God reigns! This is what we must declare. We must show it on our faces, and let it be heard in our voices. God will come and the terrible times will end. We (and Israel) will one day hear the welcome summons: Depart, depart, go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the articles of the Lord's house. (Isaiah 52:11)

    That is what is required of Christians today. We are not to go along with all the mistaken ways of the world, chasing illusions, and seeking things that will not satisfy. Rather, we should cleanse ourselves, for the promise is, But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 52:12)

    We are so often like the Israelites at the Red Sea: the water before us, Pharaoh's army hard on our heels. We do not know where to turn or what to do. But then the word of the Lord comes, Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. (Exodus 14:13). That is the way out. Trust in your Lord. He will open a way through the sea.

    Thank you, Father, that I have nowhere to turn but to you, and you are faithful. I trust that you will go before me and be my rear guard.

Life Application

    Does our life message confidently proclaim that "our God reigns", despite the difficulties we may be facing?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

24. Modern Worship Song: Holy Forever

Modern Worship Song: Holy Forever
Author: Chris Tomlin

A thousand generations
Falling down in worship
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
And all who‵ve gone before us
And all who will believe
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb

Your name is the highest
Your name is the greatest
Your name stands above them all

All thrones and dominions
All powers and positions
Your name stands above them all
And the angels cry, Holy
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever

If you‵ve been forgiven
And if you‵ve been redeemed
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
If you walk in freedom
And if you bear His name
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
We‵ll sing the song forever and amen

And the angels cry, Holy
All creation cries, Holy
You are lifted high, Holy
Holy forever
Hear Your people sing, Holy
To the King of Kings, Holy
You will always be, Holy
Holy forever

23. Devotional: Pruning the Branches

Devotional: Pruning the Branches
Author: Charles F. Stanley (1932-2023)

John 15:1-6

    The late Francis Schaeffer observed that the average Christian’s objective in life appeared to be personal peace and affluence. Whether we agree with his assessment, we must at least admit that subconsciously, if not overtly, we prefer the pleasant over the painful, the comfortable over the distressful.

    Despite this decidedly normal human disposition, you will stumble badly through the Christian journey if you adopt these longings as your chief aims. Christ’s goal for your life transcends this limited perspective. He has something far more sublime in mind for you—to make you productive in the work of His kingdom. This involves a process Christ termed pruning, a continual trimming of character and habits that are unproductive for your personal growth as a believer, conforming you to the image of God and the standard of His Word.

    Unfortunately, this can be painful at times, even severe when the pruning lops off sensitive areas. But whatever God sees as detrimental to your fruitfulness and well-being, He will seek to sever. The tools of Providence may be sharp, but they are held by loving hands.

    Perhaps you can identify an area that God’s Spirit has surfaced as deleterious to your spiritual health. Cooperate with the Husbandman. Though it may be trying for a time, God’s goal is to grow you into the image of Christ. In this kind of pain, there is godly gain.

    Dear Lord, conform me to the image of Your Son and the standard of Your Word. Prune out everything that is detrimental to my fruitfulness and well-being.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

22. Devotional: God's Rod

Devotional: God's Rod
Author: C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

“O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy upon Jerusalem? ... And the Lord answered the angel ... with good words and comfortable words. (Zechariah 1:12,13)

    What a sweet answer to an anxious enquiry! This night let us rejoice in it. O Zion, there are good things in store for thee; thy time of travail shall soon be over; thy children shall be brought forth; thy captivity shall end. Bear patiently the rod for a season, and under the darkness still trust in God, for his love burneth towards thee. God loves the church with a love too deep for human imagination: he loves her with all his infinite heart. Therefore let her sons be of good courage; she cannot be far from prosperity to whom God speaketh “good words and comfortable words.” What these comfortable words are the prophet goes on to tell us: “I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy.” The Lord loves his church so much that he cannot bear that she should go astray to others; and when she has done so, he cannot endure that she should suffer too much or too heavily. He will not have his enemies afflict her: he is displeased with them because they increase her misery. When God seems most to leave his church, his heart is warm towards her. History shows that whenever God uses a rod to chasten his servants, he always breaks it afterwards, as if he loathed the rod which gave his children pain. “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” God hath not forgotten us because he smites—his blows are no evidences of want of love. If this is true of his church collectively, it is of necessity true also of each individual member. You may fear that the Lord has passed you by, but it is not so: he who counts the stars, and calls them by their names, is in no danger of forgetting his own children. He knows your case as thoroughly as if you were the only creature he ever made, or the only saint he ever loved. Approach him and be at peace.

Friday, February 21, 2025

21. Hymn: Let There Be Hope Today, Lord

Hymn: Let There Be Hope Today, Lord
Author: B. Porter

1. Let there be hope today, Lord,
    Hope as I watch and pray, Lord,
    Hope of a sunlit way, Lord,
    In the dark day give hope!

2. Hope when the waves roll high, Lord,
    Hope when the winds sweep by, Lord,
    Hope through a storm-rent sky, Lord,
    Into my heart send hope!

3. Hope that the clouds may clear, Lord,
    Hope that dispels each fear, Lord,
    Hope because Thou art near, Lord,
    So let me wait in hope!

4. “In hope against hope,” I wait, Lord,
    Faced by some fast-barred gate, Lord,
    Hope never says “Too late,” Lord,
    Therefore in Thee I hope!

5. Hope though the night be long, Lord,
    Hope of a glowing dawn, Lord,
    Morning must break in song, Lord,
    For we are “saved by hope.”

20. Devotional: Jehovah-Rophi

Devotional: Jehovah-Rophi
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

I am the Lord who heals you! (Exodus 15:26)

    In the seasons of sickness, we are too prone to look too much to the means, and place too great a dependence upon them. But the believer should view the Lord not only as the physician of the soul — but also of the body. Means should be used — but the Lord only should be looked up to as the Healer. When King Asa was diseased, he did not seek the Lord — but the physicians; and the Lord took it as an insult offered to His divine majesty. 2 Chronicles 16:12.

    All medicines have their healing qualities from our God, and it befits us to look up to Him for His blessing upon all that we take. We never can trust God for too much, unless we despise the means which He usually blesses. When we look to Him, call upon Him, and place confidence in Him — we honor Him. His direction is, "Trust in Him at all times; pour out your heart before Him! God is a refuge for us." He loves to be acknowledged, consulted, and trusted.

    He is your Healer, believer; He knows perfectly the nature of your illness, the remedies that are necessary — and waits to be called in to your relief. Call on Him first; look to Him principally; and give Him praise for intervals of ease, and all favorable symptoms. Look upon the physician and surgeon as His servants, and beseech Him to direct them. They are at best but feeble instruments, broken cisterns, or dry wells — without Him. If He blesses — their prescriptions are effectual; if He withholds — their endeavors are vain. How many are trusting to a great name, a skillful man, rather than trusting to the Lord; but He has said, "See now that I Myself am He! There is no god besides Me. I put to death — and I bring to life, I have wounded — and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand!" Deuteronomy 32:39. "I will heal you, and I will bring you health and cure."

    Bodily sickness is often intended to be medicine for the soul. The Lord designs by it . . .
to cleanse us from some idols,
to purge away our inordinate attachment to temporal things,
and bring us nearer to Himself.

    The cares of the world have too much of our hearts, and occupy too much of our time; self-examination is neglected; secret prayer is shortened; and we can find but little time for any spiritual exercises. What base ingratitude — and yet how common! What folly — and yet how general! How loudly it calls for God's rod! How deeply it grieves a Father's love! Then the Lord comes and throws us on a bed of sickness, or confines us from our worldly employments — that we may find time for those things which involve His glory, and our best interests.

    Have you, Christian, ever complained that you had not time to attend to things of a spiritual character? If so, look upon your present sickness as a visitation from the Lord to give you a little time for these employments. Make the most of these precious hours — now sow to the Spirit. Then, if spared to go back again into your worldly employments — you will be better prepared to engage in them. Or if called to an eternal world, you will receive life everlasting. Seek pardon — as well as healing; you deeply need it, and it is far more important than the return of health. But both shall be given if consistent with the Lord's glory — which above all things you should seek and desire. And if pardon is enjoyed, and health once more returns — you should cheerfully sing:

O bless the Lord, my soul;
Nor let His mercies lie
Forgotten in unthankfulness,
Or without praises die.

'Tis He forgives your sins,
'Tis He relieves your pain,
'Tis He who heals your sicknesses,
And makes you young again!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

19. Devotional: The Lord Trieth the Righteous

Devotional: The Lord Trieth the Righteous
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

The Lord trieth the righteous. (Psalm 11:5)

    “THE LORD’S THRONE IS IN HEAVEN.” He sees all and knows all. He gives grace to the righteous, and where the Lord gives grace, He always tries it; therefore His own people must expect to pass through the fire. He will try our faith, of what sort it is; our love, of what strength it is. He will also try our patience and our constancy. Let us not therefore be surprised at trials, nor let us be discouraged by them; for He tries out of pure love, with the best design, according to a wise rule, and at the fittest season. He considers our frame, our circumstances, and our foes; He does nothing rashly or unkindly. He would not put us to pain if we did not need it; trials are preservatives or restoratives; they keep us from evil, or bring us out of evil into which we have fallen. Trials then are from the Lord: His wisdom selects, His love appoints, and His providence brings them about. If you ask, "Why, Lord, am I tried thus?" the answer is, "To humble thee, and to prove thee, and to do thee good at thy latter end." Receive every trial as from God, go to Him for strength to bear it, grace to sanctify it, and deliverance from it; and so all will be well. It is not for His pleasure, but for our profit, that we are so tried.

Often the clouds of deepest woe,
A sweet love message bear;
Dark though they seem, we cannot find
A frown of anger there.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

18. A Quote from C. H. Spurgeon (17)

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17. Devotional: Take No Thought for the Morrow

Devotional: Take No Thought for the Morrow
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Take... no thought for the morrow. (Matthew 6:34)

    “YE ARE OF MORE VALUE THAN MANY SPARROWS.” Anxious Christians, give ear to our Lord’s words. If He cares for sparrows, will He not care for you? Let no anxious, perplexing, distressing thoughts flood your mind. You know not that you shall live even until tomorrow, for the Lord may take you home tonight. But if you do, the Lord will be as thoughtful of you, as kind to you, and as watchful of you, as He has always been. There is daily grace as well as daily bread. You cannot be fatherless and you will not be neglected. Whatever your circumstances may be, your Father knows them. He has provided for them and He will bring you through, to His own great glory. Let the peace of God rule in your heart. Stay yourself upon the word of the Lord. Your loving Saviour wishes you to be free from anxiety, to wait upon Him without distraction, to honour Him by the exercise of calm, patient, believing trust. Go to rest this night, obeying your Redeemer's word, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all temporal things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." When you awake in the morning your God will still be with you, as He promised, to lead you ever onward unto the perfect day.

By day by night, at home abroad,
Still I am guarded by my God:
By His unfailing bounty fed,
By His unerring counsel led.

16. Devotional: He Careth For You

Devotional: He Careth For You
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

    GOD IS THE GOD OF ALL GRACE. He has called us to eternal glory by Jesus our Lord. He continues to care for us. He knows all His people, their persons, wants, and trials. He thinketh upon them to benefit, to deliver and supply them. He keeps His eye upon them in all places, at all times, and under all circumstances. He has them in His hand, and will not loose His hold. He looks upon them always as His own, the objects of His love, the purchase of His blood, the temples of His Spirit. They are precious in His sight. He knows they are weak, fearful, and have many enemies. He teaches them to cast themselves and all their cares upon Him. He has given them His word that He will care for them. It is a Father's care which He exercises. It is wise, holy, tender, and constant; therefore all will be well, only trust. Believe that He cares for you this day; commit all your concerns to Him in the faith of this: leave them with Him, persuaded that He will manage all things well by His infinite wisdom, and bring all to a good conclusion by His omnipotent power. Cast all your cares upon Him for He careth for you. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved."

"Cast," He says, "on me thy care,
‘Tis enough that I am nigh;
I will all thy burdens bear,
I will all thy wants supply."

15. Devotional: Is the Lord's Hand Waxed Short?

Devotional: Is the Lord's Hand Waxed Short?
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

 "Is the Lord's hand waxed short?" Numbers 11:23

    WE MUST NEVER TEMPT THE LORD. The Israelites did that in the wilderness and kindled the wrath of the Lord. Be not faithless like them: only trust and not doubt. He has all power: is anything too hard for the Lord? Why then are we cast down? Because we do not believe His word, depend simply on His faithfulness, and expect all we need from His hand. He was displeased with Moses when he questioned His power, and He is displeased with us when we doubt His love, distrust His providence, or ask, "How can this thing be?" Whatever may be your difficulty, trial, or want, plead with the Lord, and confidently expect deliverance; and if any temptation arises to weaken your faith, rouse your fears, or disturb your tranquility, meet it with this question, "Is the Lord's hand waxed short?" Beloved, look not to the hand of man, but simply look to the hand of God; man may disappoint you, God will not. He is faithful that promised. He is a God at hand. He will be near you throughout this day; His hand is able and ready to help you; therefore trust, and be not afraid.

In heaven, and earth, and air, and seas,
He executes His firm decrees;
And by His saints it stands confessed,
That what He does is ever best;
Then on His powerful arm rely,
And He will bring salvation nigh.

14. Hymn: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Hymn: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Author: Martin Luther (1483-1546)

1. A mighty fortress is our God,
    A bulwark never failing;
    Our helper He amid the flood
    Of mortal ills prevailing.
    For still our ancient foe
    Doth seek to work us woe −
    His craft and pow’r are great,
    And, armed with cruel hate,
    On earth is not his equal.

2. Did we in our own strength confide,
    Our striving would be losing,
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The man of God’s own choosing.
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He −
    Lord Sabaoth His Name,
    From age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

3. And though this world, with devils filled,
    Should threaten to undo us,
    We will not fear, for God hath willed
    His truth to triumph thru us.
    The prince of darkness grim,
    We tremble not for him −
    His rage we can endure,
    For lo, his doom is sure:
    One little word shall fell him.

4. That word above all earthly pow’rs,
    No thanks to them, abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    Thru Him who with us sideth.
    Let goods and kindred go,
    This mortal life also −
    The body they may kill:
    God’s truth abideth still:
    His kingdom is forever.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

13. Devotional: Therefore Trust Thou In Him

Devotional: Therefore Trust Thou In Him
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Therefore trust thou in Him. (Job 35:14) 

    "SOME TRUST IN CHARIOTS, AND SOME IN HORSES." But we trust in God our Saviour. Beloved in Christ our Lord, forget not that thy times are in His hands, that thy name is in His book of life, that He has promised to be thy God, and that He is faithful to His word. Every blessing we need is promised; every promise is firm and sure, therefore trust thou in Him. Thy heart may fail thee, thy way may perplex thee, thy fears may overcome thee, thy foes may insult thee; but thy way is not hid from the Lord; therefore trust thou in Him. His word is true from the beginning: His people in every age have proved it so, its verity is its crown; therefore you may trust it firmly, fearlessly, and constantly: and His faithful word shall calm thy fears, strengthen thy hopes, sweeten thy comforts, and lead thee to cheerful, filial obedience. His hand may seem to go against thee, but His heart beats with unutterable love toward thee; He may appear to be armed with a sword to destory thee; but even then you should say with Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" and you will find, that instead of destroying, His sword is for your defence. He will honour your confidence, and bring you out into a wealthy place. Only trust thou in Him. 

Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design, 
Are framed upon Thy throne above; 
And every dark and gloomy line 
Meets in the centre of Thy love; 
Therefore I trust in Thee alone, 
And humbly pray, "Thy will be done."

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

12. Devotional: Thou Hast Tried Me

Devotional: Thou Hast Tried Me
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Thou hast tried me. (Psalm 17:3) 

    DAVID HAD TASTED THE GOODNESS OF GOD. Not only did He visit, uphold, and keep, but He also tried and searched the heart. In the process, discipline had been exercised. The Lord trieth the righteous, and his trials discover, strengthen, and improve his character. His fire is in Zion and His furnace in Jerusalem; there He tries His people. Every trial is necessary for our good; it is ordained by eternal love; and is continued just as long as required, but not one moment longer. Every saint needs trials and every saint is tried. If the Lord intends to make us holy He will put us through the fire. Every time we pray for holiness, we pray for trials; trials enhance the value of the promises, endear the throne of grace, render the law of God profitable, and make the Saviour exceedingly precious. In trials we learn to read our own hearts, see the vanity of the world, look more closely to our evidences, humble ourselves before our God, and look with a longing eye to the end of our course. The tried Christian is likely to be a mature and stable Christian; few who walk a smooth path are either remarkably spiritual or exceptionally useful for God. Trials, like the frosts of winter, prepare our hearts to receive the good seed of the word in the spring, and then we bring forth fruit for the Lord. "When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." 

Brought into the fire, Thy wonderful power, 
Unburnt we admire, unhurt we adore; 
Brought thro' our temptation, we shortly shall prove 
Thy gracious salvation, Thy amazing love.

11. Devotional: I Will Hope Continually

Devotional: I Will Hope Continually
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

I will hope continually. (Psalm 71:14)

    “MY FLESH ALSO SHALL REST IN HOPE,” because my Lord is at my right hand, and the foundation of my hope remains immutably the same. The character of my gracious God, the faithful promises of His word, the recorded history of His saints, and my own past experience, all combine to say, "Hope continually." I will hope, that God will be merciful to my unrighteousness; that He will support me under all my trials, that He will send me seasonable relief, and timely deliverance; that good will flow from all my troubles; that grace will be brought unto me at the appearing of Jesus; and that eternal life will be my final portion. "I will hope," for I shall be unsettled if I do not; anxiety will torment me, despondency will brood over my soul, and I shall be filled with fearful forebodings. "I will hope continually," for hope honours God, it brightens the outlook, it stimulates to prayer and perseverance, and is the sweetener of human life. But I will also remember that my hope will be sorely tried; Satan will try it, the God of hope will try it, a thousand things will try it, but a good hope will live, strengthen, and work until it gives place to possession. I will not despond. Why should I? My hope is in the eternal unchanging Father.

Let the winds blow and billows roll,
Hope is the anchor of my soul:
It holds me to the Rock well known
And moors me to my Father's throne!

10. Devotional: Hope Thou In God

Devotional: Hope Thou In God
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

Hope thou in God. (Psalm 42:11)

    “REJOICING IN HOPE, PATIENT IN TRIBULATION.” For Paul and every Christian, every day is a day of hope. However gloomy the day, however sore the trials, however distressing the affliction, hope thou in God. He is with you, He is your God, He has promised to befriend you, He is the faithful God. He will turn darkness into light, make crooked paths straight, and make all grace abound toward you, so that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. The changes that affect you cannot affect Him. You cannot rely too simply upon Him, or expect too much from Him. If all, within and without, seem to conspire against you, still say, "I will hope in God." Expect Him to be to you all that a gracious and powerful God can be: expect Him to do all that a loving Father and infinite God can do. Hope for light in darkness, for relief in distress, for strength in weakness, for joy in sorrow, for deliverance when sinking beneath the wave, and for life in death. Hope for all you need and for all God has promised. Hope thou in God and in God alone. Hope because God has spoken, because He is true and faithful and you cannot hope in vain. The foundation of your hope is laid in the blood of Jesus and the oath of God.

Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand
Can all thy woes remove;
For thou shalt yet before Him stand,
And sing amazing love.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

9. Modern Worship Song: Rejoice in the Lord

Modern Worship Song: Rejoice in the Lord
Author: Ron Hamilton

God never moves without purpose or plan
When trying His servant and molding a man
Give thanks to the Lord
Though your testing seems long
In darkness He giveth a song

O rejoice in the Lord He makes no mistake
He knoweth the end of each path that I take
For when I am tried and purified
I shall come forth as gold

I could not see through the shadows ahead
So I looked at the cross of my Savior instead
I bowed to the will of the Master that day
Then peace came and tears fled away

Now I can see testing comes from above
God strengthens His children and purges in love
My Father knows best and I trust in His care
Through purging more fruit I will bear

8. A Quote from A. W. Tozer (15)

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Monday, February 10, 2025

7. Modern Worship Song: Jesus, I'm in love with You

Modern Worship Song: Jesus, I'm in love with You
Author: Takafumi Nagasawa

Jesus, I am in love with You
I am in love with You
Forever, I'll be Yours.
You are everything to me
And all I ever need is you

My heart is full, my heart is full.
With love and desire, that will know no end.
Come draw me near in your embrace I belong
Lord all I ever need is You.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

6. Devotional: My Times Are In Thy Hand

Devotional: My Times Are In Thy Hand
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

My times are in Thy hand. (Psalm 31:15)

    WE HAVE A WONDERFUL ALMIGHTY SOVEREIGN GOD. Every event in life is under His control: nothing is left to chance. His hand is in all that occurs: directing, overruling, and sanctifying to our good. He appointed all that concerns us, and appointed all in infinite wisdom and love; therefore we should not judge rashly or conclude hastily. We know not what may happen today but we know that the purpose of God cannot be frustrated, nor can His purpose fail. He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will. He says, "My purpose shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." But this is our comfort, that He taketh pleasure in His people, and in the prosperity of His servants. Let us consider, then, that everything passes under our Father's eye, is overruled by our Saviour's power, is directed by the Holy Spirit to do us good. It shall not be as our enemies wish, or as our hearts fear; but as our God and Father pleases, and has ordained. Be not therefore anxious, troubled, or cast down; the Lord God omnipotent reigneth, and He is our God. He shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.

I know not what may soon betide,

But Jesus knows, and He'll provide;

My life is by His counsel planned,

And all my times are in His hand:

I'll therefore trust, nor yield to fear,

But cast on Jesus all my care.

5. Devotional: Waiting

Devotional: Waiting 
Author: Basilea Schlink

    Waiting often belongs to the plan of God—waiting until our problems have reached a climax. That is how God worked with His disciples when they were in great distress during the storm on the sea. God could have calmed the first wave. But then the disciples would never have become acquainted with the power and glory of Jesus Christ. Think about this whenever the waves around you get higher and higher. God is letting them rise so high—as He did for the children of Israel at the crossing of the Red Sea,—so that He can prove His miraculous power and can glorify His name.

    Wait for Him to reveal His glory and to perform miracles in your needs and you will experience the truth of this verse: "If you would believe, you would see the glory of God." (John 11:40)

4. Hymn: Why Should I Fear the Darkest Hour

Hymn: Why Should I Fear the Darkest Hour
Author: John Newton (1725-1807)

1. Why should I fear the darkest hour,
    Or tremble at the tempter’s power?
    Jesus vouchsafes to be my tower.

2. When creature comforts fade and die,
    Worldlings may weep, but why should I?
    Jesus still lives, and still is nigh.

3. Though all the flocks and herds were dead,
    My soul a famine need not dread,
    For Jesus is my living bread.

4. I know not what may soon betide,
    Or how my wants shall be supplied;
    But Jesus knows, and will provide.

5. Though sin would fill me with distress,
    The throne of grace I dare address,
    For Jesus is my righteousness.

6. Though faint my prayers, and cold my love,
    My steadfast hope shall not remove,
    While Jesus intercedes above.

7. Against me earth and hell combine;
    But on my side is power divine;
    Jesus is all, and He is mine.

3. A Quote from Oswald Chambers (16)

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

2. Hymn: Under His Wings

Hymn: Under His Wings
Author: William O. Cushing (1823-1902)

1. Under His wings I am safely abiding.
    Tho' the night deepens and tempests are wild,
    Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me.
    He has redeemed me, and I am His child.

Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.

2. Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow!
    How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
    Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
    There I find comfort, and there I am blest.

3. Under His wings, oh, what precious enjoyment!
    There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
    Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me.
    Resting in Jesus, I’m safe evermore.

1. Hymn: O Let My Trembling Soul Be Still

Hymn: O Let My Trembling Soul Be Still
Author: Sir John Bowring (1792-1872)

1. Oh let my trembling soul be still,
    While darkness veils the sky,
    And wait Thy wise, Thy holy will,
    Wrapped yet in mystery:
    I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see;
    But all is well, since ruled by Thee.

2. Thus, trusting in Thy love, I tread
    The path of duty on;
    What though some cherished joys are fled,
    Some flattering dreams are gone?
    Yet purer, nobler joys remain:
    Why should my spirit then complain?