(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

16. Devotional: He Careth For You

Devotional: He Careth For You
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

    GOD IS THE GOD OF ALL GRACE. He has called us to eternal glory by Jesus our Lord. He continues to care for us. He knows all His people, their persons, wants, and trials. He thinketh upon them to benefit, to deliver and supply them. He keeps His eye upon them in all places, at all times, and under all circumstances. He has them in His hand, and will not loose His hold. He looks upon them always as His own, the objects of His love, the purchase of His blood, the temples of His Spirit. They are precious in His sight. He knows they are weak, fearful, and have many enemies. He teaches them to cast themselves and all their cares upon Him. He has given them His word that He will care for them. It is a Father's care which He exercises. It is wise, holy, tender, and constant; therefore all will be well, only trust. Believe that He cares for you this day; commit all your concerns to Him in the faith of this: leave them with Him, persuaded that He will manage all things well by His infinite wisdom, and bring all to a good conclusion by His omnipotent power. Cast all your cares upon Him for He careth for you. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved."

"Cast," He says, "on me thy care,
‘Tis enough that I am nigh;
I will all thy burdens bear,
I will all thy wants supply."

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