(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

5. Devotional: Waiting

Devotional: Waiting 
Author: Basilea Schlink

    Waiting often belongs to the plan of God—waiting until our problems have reached a climax. That is how God worked with His disciples when they were in great distress during the storm on the sea. God could have calmed the first wave. But then the disciples would never have become acquainted with the power and glory of Jesus Christ. Think about this whenever the waves around you get higher and higher. God is letting them rise so high—as He did for the children of Israel at the crossing of the Red Sea,—so that He can prove His miraculous power and can glorify His name.

    Wait for Him to reveal His glory and to perform miracles in your needs and you will experience the truth of this verse: "If you would believe, you would see the glory of God." (John 11:40)

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