OUR LORD ONLY IS WORTHY OF ALL HONOUR. Not to honour Him is a great offence. This is a complaint brought against us by our Lord Jesus Christ: “Ye do dishonour me.” Let us take heed. He has assured us of His love, that He seeks our good, that He will not be wroth with us; we dishonour Him therefore by our fretfulness under trials; by our murmuring when all is not as we wish; by our impatience to be delivered from pain; by our unbelief awaiting the fulfilment of His promises; by our unthankfulness for the many mercies we receive; by employing His favours in Satan's service; by limiting His power or His goodness; by neglecting our duties from want of love or zeal; by boasting of our merits instead of relying on His free grace; and by looking to others, instead of looking only and always to the Lord. Dishonouring Jesus is a great sin; it produces deadness, pain, and misery; let us realize its seriousness, lament it before God, seek repentance for it and forgiveness of it. O let us aim to honour Jesus by gratitude, patience, faith, love, forbearance, penitence, zeal, and by constantly striving for His glory! Let us honour Him in life, in death, and for ever!
And make it only know Thy call;
Speak to my inmost soul, and say,
"I am thy Saviour, God, thine all!"
Nor let me more dishonour Thee,
But Thy devoted servant be.
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