Devotional: Hope Thou In God
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)
Hope thou in God. (Psalm 42:11)
“REJOICING IN HOPE, PATIENT IN TRIBULATION.” For Paul and every Christian, every day is a day of hope. However gloomy the day, however sore the trials, however distressing the affliction, hope thou in God. He is with you, He is your God, He has promised to befriend you, He is the faithful God. He will turn darkness into light, make crooked paths straight, and make all grace abound toward you, so that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. The changes that affect you cannot affect Him. You cannot rely too simply upon Him, or expect too much from Him. If all, within and without, seem to conspire against you, still say, "I will hope in God." Expect Him to be to you all that a gracious and powerful God can be: expect Him to do all that a loving Father and infinite God can do. Hope for light in darkness, for relief in distress, for strength in weakness, for joy in sorrow, for deliverance when sinking beneath the wave, and for life in death. Hope for all you need and for all God has promised. Hope thou in God and in God alone. Hope because God has spoken, because He is true and faithful and you cannot hope in vain. The foundation of your hope is laid in the blood of Jesus and the oath of God.
Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand
Can all thy woes remove;
For thou shalt yet before Him stand,
And sing amazing love.
Can all thy woes remove;
For thou shalt yet before Him stand,
And sing amazing love.
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