The late Francis Schaeffer observed that the average Christian’s objective in life appeared to be personal peace and affluence. Whether we agree with his assessment, we must at least admit that subconsciously, if not overtly, we prefer the pleasant over the painful, the comfortable over the distressful.
Despite this decidedly normal human disposition, you will stumble badly through the Christian journey if you adopt these longings as your chief aims. Christ’s goal for your life transcends this limited perspective. He has something far more sublime in mind for you—to make you productive in the work of His kingdom. This involves a process Christ termed pruning, a continual trimming of character and habits that are unproductive for your personal growth as a believer, conforming you to the image of God and the standard of His Word.
Unfortunately, this can be painful at times, even severe when the pruning lops off sensitive areas. But whatever God sees as detrimental to your fruitfulness and well-being, He will seek to sever. The tools of Providence may be sharp, but they are held by loving hands.
Perhaps you can identify an area that God’s Spirit has surfaced as deleterious to your spiritual health. Cooperate with the Husbandman. Though it may be trying for a time, God’s goal is to grow you into the image of Christ. In this kind of pain, there is godly gain.
Dear Lord, conform me to the image of Your Son and the standard of Your Word. Prune out everything that is detrimental to my fruitfulness and well-being.
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