“YE ARE OF MORE VALUE THAN MANY SPARROWS.” Anxious Christians, give ear to our Lord’s words. If He cares for sparrows, will He not care for you? Let no anxious, perplexing, distressing thoughts flood your mind. You know not that you shall live even until tomorrow, for the Lord may take you home tonight. But if you do, the Lord will be as thoughtful of you, as kind to you, and as watchful of you, as He has always been. There is daily grace as well as daily bread. You cannot be fatherless and you will not be neglected. Whatever your circumstances may be, your Father knows them. He has provided for them and He will bring you through, to His own great glory. Let the peace of God rule in your heart. Stay yourself upon the word of the Lord. Your loving Saviour wishes you to be free from anxiety, to wait upon Him without distraction, to honour Him by the exercise of calm, patient, believing trust. Go to rest this night, obeying your Redeemer's word, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all temporal things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." When you awake in the morning your God will still be with you, as He promised, to lead you ever onward unto the perfect day.
Still I am guarded by my God:
By His unfailing bounty fed,
By His unerring counsel led.
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