(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel

(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twel
(This picture is the library of C. H. Spurgeon-The Prince of Preachers. Mr. Spurgeon collected twelve thousands of books. May we also pursue after the spiritual, heavenly and eternal things with our whole heart by God's grace!)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

11. Devotional: I Will Hope Continually

Devotional: I Will Hope Continually
Author: James Smith (1802-1862)

I will hope continually. (Psalm 71:14)

    “MY FLESH ALSO SHALL REST IN HOPE,” because my Lord is at my right hand, and the foundation of my hope remains immutably the same. The character of my gracious God, the faithful promises of His word, the recorded history of His saints, and my own past experience, all combine to say, "Hope continually." I will hope, that God will be merciful to my unrighteousness; that He will support me under all my trials, that He will send me seasonable relief, and timely deliverance; that good will flow from all my troubles; that grace will be brought unto me at the appearing of Jesus; and that eternal life will be my final portion. "I will hope," for I shall be unsettled if I do not; anxiety will torment me, despondency will brood over my soul, and I shall be filled with fearful forebodings. "I will hope continually," for hope honours God, it brightens the outlook, it stimulates to prayer and perseverance, and is the sweetener of human life. But I will also remember that my hope will be sorely tried; Satan will try it, the God of hope will try it, a thousand things will try it, but a good hope will live, strengthen, and work until it gives place to possession. I will not despond. Why should I? My hope is in the eternal unchanging Father.

Let the winds blow and billows roll,
Hope is the anchor of my soul:
It holds me to the Rock well known
And moors me to my Father's throne!

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